مجموعة بري ليجل هي مجموعة قانونية تم تأسيسها علي مستوي العالم ..
حيث تم اختيارمكتب للمحاماة مميز من كل دوله علي مستوي العالم .. ليكونوا نواة للمجموعة القانونية التي تعمل من خلال محور مهني حرفي قام بصياغة برتوكول تعاون مهني فيما بين المكاتب التي تم اختيارها سواء بمعرفتنا وهي المكاتب المشكلة من دول الشرق الأوسط بالكامل أو سواء بالمكاتب التي تم اختيارها علي مستوي العالم بمعرفة مجموعة بري ليجل .. وقد تم الإعلان عن المجموعة حيث وصل عدد مكاتب المحامين الأعضاء علي مستوي الدول إلي حوالي مائه وثلاثون مكتبا يمثلون مائه وثلاثون دوله .. وجاري الآن اختيار سائر المكاتب الأخرى من باقي الدول لتكون المجموعة هي أول مجموعة قانونية تمثل مكاتب المحاماة علي مستوي العالم .. والجدير بالذكر أن المجموعة يمثلها عدة كيانات تقوم بإدارتها ويقوم بالتنسيق فيما بين هذه الإدارات السيد / فاهر توجا وهو مؤسس المجموعة .. والذي أخذ علي عاتقه مسئولية تكوينها بعد أن تواصل مع مكاتب المحامين علي مستوي العالم .. ولذلك كان لزاما علي نفسي أن أتعاون معه في اختيار المكاتب الممثلة لدول الشرق الأوسط بالكامل .. خاصة وأن هذه الفكرة تتماثل مع ما سبق وأن طرحته وقت أن كنت نقيبا لمحامي مصر ورئيسا لاتحاد المحامين العرب ونائبا لرئيس الاتحاد الدولي للمحامين .. حيث كنت قد عرضت تأسيس اتحاد عالمي لنقابات المحامين علي مستوى العالم .. وقد تزامن معي في ذات الفكرة السيد / فاهر توجا وهو من المحامين الأكفاء الذين لديهم طموحات لا تنتهي عند حد معين ولذلك فقد لاقت الفكرة استحسانا مني وتعاونت معه لتكون المجموعة الأولي المهنية علي مستوي العالم التي تؤدي رسالتها المهنية بما يفيد المجتمع بكافة فئاته وأطيافه وجنسياته .
والله ولي التوفيق ،
حمدي خليفة
نقيب المحامين رئيس اتحاد المحامين العرب

Prae legal is a legal group that have been founded by members from around the world … a single law firm from each country have been chosen to be the core of the legal group that its members meant to co-operate with each other’s throw a protocol that been approved by the members .. either whom we chose like the law firms of the middle east countries or the other law firms from other countries that have been chosen by prae legal group
Our group members had reached 130 law firm representing 130 state and we still searching for other countries so the group could represent law firms around the world
The group is represented by many departments and Mr. fahri toga is in the heart of this structure who founded this group and started the trip … when he offered me to join him I immediately approved … as this idea had been in my mind science ever I already demanded to establish an international lawyers union
Mr. fahri coincided the same idea with me he is a qualified lawyers who have ambitions does not end at a certain point, therefore, the idea was well received by me and collaborated with him to be the first group of professional in the world that lead mission professional for the benefit of society in all classes and sects and nationalities.
members of prae legal
around the world
Country | Law Firm | |
1 | Afghanistan | Massoudi Legal Consultancy |
2 | Albania | Lame & Shehu Law Firm |
3 | Algeria | Ablaoui Law Firm |
4 | Angola | Alexendre Pegado Escritorio de Advogados |
5 | Argentina | Estudio Willa |
6 | Aruba | Aruba Legal |
7 | Australia | Kells |
8 | Austria | Proksch & Partner |
9 | Azerbaijan | Azem & Partners LLC Law Firm |
10 | Bahrain | Gulf Legal Services |
11 | Bangladesh | The Lawyers & Jurists Law Firm |
12 | Belgium | Geyskens-Vandeurzen&Vennoten |
13 | Bhutan | UC Associates: Bhutan Law Office |
14 | Bolivia | Salazar&Salazar Asociados |
15 | Bosnia | Nikica Grzic Law Firm |
16 | Botswana | Akheel Jinabhai & Associates |
17 | Brazil | Bichara Advogados |
18 | Brunei | Cheok Advocates & Solicitors |
19 | Bulgaria | Dimov & Tashev Law Firm |
20 | Burkina Faso | Abdoul Ouedraogo Law Firm |
21 | Burundi | Gilbert & Partners |
22 | Cambodia | HML Law Firm |
23 | Cameroon | ISIS Law Firm |
24 | Cape Verde | Eva Marques Law Firm |
25 | Chad | Cabinet Ngadjadoum Josue |
26 | Chile | Brokering Abogados |
27 | China | Shanghai Founder Law Firm |
28 | Colombia | Marrugo Rivera & Asociados, |
29 | Costa Rica | Guardia & Cubero Abogados |
30 | Croatia | Maric, Drugovic & Sekovanic Law Firm |
32 | Dominican Republic | Ortiz Compress Law Firm |
33 | DR of Congo | Klam & Partners Avocats |
35 | Egypt | Khalifa Law Firm |
36 | Estonia | Narlex |
37 | Ethiopia | Ethiopian Law |
38 | France | Villepin & Associes |
39 | Gabon | Etude NKOULOU-ONDO |
40 | Gambia | Mary Abdoulie Samba Law Firm |
41 | Germany | MAT Law Firm |
42 | Ghana | K-San Law Firm |
43 | Guinea | Cabinet CHRIST AIME |
44 | Greece | Foutsis & Partners Law Firm |
45 | Honduras | Medine, Rosenthal & Asociados |
46 | Hong Kong | Wong Poon Chan Law & Co. |
47 | Hungary | Burai-Kovács & Partners Law Firm |
48 | India | India Law Offices |
49 | Indonesia | Advokatku Legal Audit Consultant |
50 | Iran | Farjam Law Office |
51 | Iraq | Baghdat International Legal Firm |
53 | Italy | Bacciardi and Partners |
54 | Ivory Coast | Fatou Camara Sanogho Law Firm |
55 | Jamaica | Gordon & McGrath Attorneys at Law |
56 | Japan | Kojima Law Offices |
57 | Jordan | Petralip Law Office |
58 | Kazakhstan | SG Global Advice Law Firm |
59 | Kenya | Kiptinness & Odhiambo Associates |
60 | Kosovo | Elshani & Bibaj Law Firm |
61 | Krygyzistan | VERITAS Law Firm |
62 | Kuwait | Al-Wawan Law Firm |
63 | Laos | VDB-Loi Law Firm |
64 | Lebanon | Haddad Law Firm |
65 | Libya | Alkoome Oun Law Firm |
66 | Lithuania | Stašaitis & Partners |
67 | Luxembourg | Hance Law Avocats |
68 | Macedonia | Dauti & Simjanoski Law Firm |
69 | Malaysia | Yeoh Mazlina & Partners |
70 | Mali | Juritex-Conseil Law Firm |
71 | Malta | Aequitas Law Firm |
72 | Mauratania | Cheikhany Jules Law Firm |
73 | Mauritius | A.R.M.A. Peeroo SC GOSK |
74 | Mexico | Bufete Rodríguez Márquez |
75 | Moldova | Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners |
76 | Mongolia | LexLoci Law Firm |
77 | Montenegro | Vujanovic Law Firm |
78 | Morocco | Akdime Law Firm |
79 | Mozambique | SCAN Sociedade de Advogados, LDA |
80 | Nepal | Neupane Legal Firm |
81 | Netherlands | Quantum Law B.V. |
82 | Nicaragua | Garcia & Bodan Attorneys |
83 | Niger | Yankori & Associes |
84 | Nigeria | Oyetibo & Co |
85 | Oman | G & J Law Firm |
86 | Pakistan | Zafar&Associates |
87 | Panama | Lombardi Aguilar Group Abogados |
88 | Paraguay | Vouga Abogados |
89 | Peru | Diaz Palao & Siles Law Firm |
90 | Philippines | Zambrano & Gruba Law Offices |
92 | Portugal | Abreu & Marques e Associados |
93 | Qatar | Al Attiya Legal Firm |
94 | Romania | Nicolescu & Masters Law Office |
95 | Russia | BMS Advisory |
96 | Rwanda | Advocare |
97 | Sao Tome | Amado Pereira & Associados |
98 | Saudi Arabia | Al-Yehya Law Firm |
99 | Senegal | Cheikh Fall Law Firm |
100 | Serbia | Kancelarija Golubovic Law Firm |
101 | Seychelles | Law Chambers of Dr. Shelton MacMillan Jolicoeur |
102 | Sierra Leone | CC Solicitors |
103 | Singapore | Dacheng Wong Alliance LLP |
104 | Slovakia | Daniela Ježová Law Firm |
105 | Slovenia | Ceferin Law Firm |
106 | South Africa | Cyril Ziman & Associates Inc |
107 | Spain | Jausas Law Firm |
108 | Sudan | Mahgoub & Abdelrahman Law Firm |
109 | Switzerland | MONFRINI CRETTOL & ASSOCIES |
110 | Taiwan | Shanghai Hongwei International Patent, Trademark & Law Office |
111 | Tajikistan | Nazrisho and Mirzoev, LLc |
112 | Tanzania | Abenry Law Firm |
113 | Thailand | Dharmniti Law Firm |
114 | Togo | LAWSON-BANKU Latévi Rustico Law Firm |
115 | Tunusia | Chawki Tabib Law Firm |
116 | Turkey | Yılmaz & Partners Law Firm |
117 | Turkmenistan | Dogry Maslahat Law Firm |
118 | UAE | Al Sahlawi Group Advocates & Legal Consultants |
119 | Uganda | C.R. Amanya Advocates & Solicitors |
120 | Ukraine | CIBA Consulting LLC |
121 | Uruguay | Yelpo & Facal Abogados |
122 | USA | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP |
123 | Uzbekistan | Sherdav Himoya Law Firm |
124 | Venezuela | De Sola,Pate & Brown |
125 | Vietnam | ANT Lawyers |
126 | Yemen | Al-Dailami Law Firm |
127 | Zimbabwe | Bmatanga IP Attorneys |